Hello edtech founder, enthusiast,Last friday the #BETT2022 has come to an end. For three days the Dutch delegates were able to connect, exchange, inspire & be inspired at the Bett Global in London - the world’s largest Education Technology fair. With 44 Dutch organizations and 30+ delegates from the ministry of OCW / EZ it was a great success. And only possible because of the support from the Dutch embassy in the UK and the ROM Utrecht. Thanks again!We're trying to be there next year again with all the learnings from this edition.This newsletter is packed, but I would like to highlight two events, but check-out the complete agenda at the bottom.Feedbackfruits has created a first version of the trust framework. It will be launched on the 21st of april.Ruben Timmerman will share his story about Springest. From the very beginning until the acquisition by StudyTube this February. This will be very insightful for founders.Did we miss any news about your company? Please share your stories by forwarding them to info@dutchedtech.org
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Hello edtech founder, enthusiast,Last friday the #BETT2022 has come to an end. For three days the Dutch delegates were able to connect, exchange, inspire & be inspired at the Bett Global in London - the world’s largest Education Technology fair. With 44 Dutch organizations and 30+ delegates from the ministry of OCW / EZ it was a great success. And only possible because of the support from the Dutch embassy in the UK and the ROM Utrecht. Thanks again!We're trying to be there next year again with all the learnings from this edition.This newsletter is packed, but I would like to highlight two events, but check-out the complete agenda at the bottom.Feedbackfruits has created a first version of the trust framework. It will be launched on the 21st of april.Ruben Timmerman will share his story about Springest. From the very beginning until the acquisition by StudyTube this February. This will be very insightful for founders.Did we miss any news about your company? Please share your stories by forwarding them to info@dutchedtech.org